Question and Answer!

Q1 - Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each
A HTML sitemap is not something you see on your website, but a document that marks up all the link on your website. It helps search engines detect the pages of your website easier. The main difference between both is that a HTML sitemap is for humans so they can navigate your website easier. Whereas an XML sitemap helps users find your pages via search engines like Google. The advantages of a HTML sitemap are that it improves accessibility and ensures that users can smoothly navigate your website. However, a HTML sitemap can become a disadvantage for larger websites because it can become difficult to maintain and overwhelming for navigation. An advantage of an XML site is that it supports search engines to discover pages on your website more efficiently. Some disadvantages are that you need technical knowledge to create and maintain an XML sitemap.
Q2 - Evaluate three IDEs (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

Visual Studio Code is a free code editor that provides the right amount of tools for developers. The positives of VS code is that it has a user-friendly interface which leaves easy navigation for developers at any level. It also provides great support and suggestions while you code. A downside is that a percentage of people experience performance issues with larger projects VS Code for an entry level web developer would be ideal as it is a quick and easy IDE to set up. The interface is easy to navigate and there are many online resources and support tools to assist you while you code.

Sublime Code is a speedy coding software which is great for developers from all levels. A negative about Sublime is that you have to purchase a license for use. However, that can be turned into a positive when you notice the great features including its simple layout, customisation options and its ability to identify and assist with syntax errors Sublime Code for an entry level web developer is a good choice. It has many features, customisations and plugins. The interface is easy to navigate and there are many online resources and tutorials to help beginners explore and learn Sublime effectively.

Q3 - Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

Web browser development dates back to 1990 when the first Web browser was introduced. From that date on Web development advanced into the modern web we have today. Web developers have experienced many challenges during the development of the Web. If web standards were introduced and adhered to in the earlier stages of Web development some challenges may have been reduced. An example of an issue faced due to lack of web standards is incompatibility. Websites could not work together because they were developed based on individual knowledge rather than a standard which keeps things consistent. Users would have had to learn different browsers from scratch due to different functionalities or visual features.

Q4 - What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

A list of website testing methodologies:

  • Check to make sure the website is compatible on mobile and other devices
  • Accessibility testing to ensure links work, pages work, input forms etc
  • Cross-browser testing to ensure compatibility.
Q5 - What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

All NTG Government webpages must align with the WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliance.

Q6 - How do you think its best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage?

The reason structure is needed for website development is to keep your files organised and less confusing for all users. If you have a messy folder structure, it will be difficult to navigate it on your own, and even more difficult for others. It is best to structure each asset into their own separate folder. For example, all .html files should be in the main project/root folder, not a sub folder. This makes it easier to navigate your files and ensures paths to other assets are the same. All other files including .css files, images should be in their own folder.